Gambling Addiction & Bankruptcy
Some people struggle with addictions that are based on behavior rather than ingesting a substance. But when it boils down to it, all addictions are dependent on consumption that is no longer healthy [...]
Some people struggle with addictions that are based on behavior rather than ingesting a substance. But when it boils down to it, all addictions are dependent on consumption that is no longer healthy [...]
The end of the year means holiday celebrations that involve lavish celebrations and expensive gifts. They can also mean hustling to gather documents and get all of your financial affairs for tax [...]
The pandemic hit everyone hard, including the state of Arizona. When you combine COVID-19-related economic loss with the cost of living increasing at historical rates, you’ll see a substantial portion of the population [...]
Eliminating Tax Debts By Filling For Bankruptcy In Arizona Especially if you have other debts, the tax debt can feel like a hole that you’re never going to escape. Debts owed to the [...]
When You Need to File Bankruptcy Now, But You Don’t Qualify For Chapter 7 Just Yet Filing bankruptcy usually isn’t a decision that people decide to come to. It comes after months or [...]
Could You Lose Your Tax Refunds If You File For Bankruptcy? Some people assume that if you declare bankruptcy, you must give up all your assets. This isn’t true as a blanket statement, [...]
Reaching a Better Financial Situation Through Bankruptcy Unless you are living in the middle of nowhere in an underground compound, you’ve probably noticed that the cost of living has increased sharply within the [...]
Consequences Of Withdrawing From Your Retirement Savings Plans Early Debt doesn’t just happen to people who are careless with their money. It can also happen to people who have worked hard their entire [...]
Know When Is The Best Time To File For Bankruptcy Our Phoenix and Tucson Bankruptcy Attorneys discuss when is the most advantageous time to file for Chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy in [...]
How To Make Your Financial Situation Work With Increased Rent Our Arizona bankruptcy lawyers address the rent increase in Arizona. Our debt relief attorneys take a look at bankruptcy as a possible [...]